Google Scholar Research Topics in Education

119+ Innovative Google Scholar Research Topics in Education

Explore top Google Scholar research topics in education. Discover how to effectively use this powerful tool to find and analyze scholarly articles on various educational issues.

Education is always evolving, and Google Scholar is your go-to tool for staying updated. It helps you find and explore academic articles on various educational topics.

In this blog, we’ll show you how to use Google Scholar effectively. Learn to search smarter, find popular research topics, and boost your research skills. Let’s make the most of Google Scholar together!

What is Google Scholar?

Google Scholar is a free search engine that helps you find scholarly articles, theses, books, and more. It covers a wide range of academic fields and sources, including universities and professional sites.

It’s an essential tool for researchers looking for reliable and relevant academic information.

Importance of scholarly research in education

Scholarly research is crucial for advancing education. Here’s why:

  • Informed Decisions: Provides data for better policies and teaching methods.
  • Problem Solving: Helps tackle educational challenges.
  • Innovation: Sparks new strategies and technologies.
  • Quality Improvement: Enhances teaching and learning.
  • Professional Growth: Supports educator development.
  • Accountability: Measures program effectiveness.

Staying updated with research helps build a more effective and fair education system.

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Google Scholar Research Topics in Education PDF

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Google Scholar Research Topics in Education

Check out Google Scholar research topics in education:-

Early Childhood Education

  1. Impact of Early Programs:
    • Long-term academic and social benefits.
    • Influence on school readiness.
  2. Parental Involvement:
    • Effect on child development and learning.
    • Strategies for effective parental engagement.
  3. Literacy Interventions:
    • Comparison of phonics vs. whole language approaches.
    • Impact on early reading skills.
  4. Play-Based Learning:
    • Benefits for cognitive and social development.
    • Challenges and best practices.
  5. Early Curriculum:
    • Analysis of different early childhood curricula.
    • Adaptations for diverse classrooms.
  6. Language Development:
    • Strategies to enhance vocabulary and communication skills.
    • Role of interactive reading and storytelling.
  7. Social-Emotional Learning:
    • Importance of SEL programs in early years.
    • Techniques for teaching emotional regulation.
  8. Teacher Training:
    • Effectiveness of professional development for early educators.
    • Impact on teaching practices and child outcomes.
  9. Early Math Skills:
    • Techniques for developing number sense and problem-solving.
    • Role of manipulatives and hands-on activities.
  10. Screen Time:
    • Effects on cognitive and social development.
    • Recommendations for healthy screen use.

Primary Education

  1. Classroom Climate:
    • Impact on student motivation and learning.
    • Strategies to create a positive environment.
  2. Technology Integration:
    • Benefits and challenges of tech in primary classrooms.
    • Effective tools and applications.
  3. Math and Science Teaching:
    • Best practices for engaging young learners.
    • Hands-on experiments and activities.
  4. Reading Instruction:
    • Effective strategies for teaching reading.
    • Use of phonics, whole language, and other methods.
  5. Behavior Management:
    • Techniques for fostering positive behavior.
    • Approaches for addressing classroom disruptions.
  6. Differentiated Instruction:
    • Methods for catering to diverse learning needs.
    • Use of assessments to guide instruction.
  7. Homework:
    • Impact on student performance and engagement.
    • Best practices for assigning and reviewing homework.
  8. Parent-Teacher Communication:
    • Importance for student success.
    • Tools and strategies for effective communication.
  9. Student Assessment:
    • Methods for formative and summative assessment.
    • Using assessments to inform instruction.
  10. Arts Integration:
    • Benefits of incorporating arts into the curriculum.
    • Examples of successful arts-based projects.

Secondary Education

  1. School Size:
    • Effects on student achievement and engagement.
    • Comparison between small and large schools.
  2. Standardized Testing:
    • Impact on teaching methods and student stress.
    • Alternatives to traditional testing.
  3. Teaching Writing:
    • Effective approaches for teaching writing skills.
    • Use of feedback and revision techniques.
  4. Student Motivation:
    • Strategies to enhance motivation and engagement.
    • Role of goal-setting and rewards.
  5. STEM Education:
    • Approaches to promoting interest in STEM fields.
    • Impact of STEM programs on career readiness.
  6. Peer Influence:
    • Effects of peer relationships on academic performance.
    • Strategies to foster positive peer interactions.
  7. College Readiness:
    • Preparing students for college and career.
    • Development of college readiness programs.
  8. Career Education:
    • Impact of career guidance and counseling.
    • Integration of career exploration into the curriculum.
  9. Extracurricular Activities:
    • Role in student development and academic success.
    • Benefits of various extracurricular programs.
  10. Mental Health:
    • Importance of mental health support for adolescents.
    • Strategies for addressing mental health issues in schools.

Higher Education

  1. Online Learning:
    • Effects on student engagement and outcomes.
    • Best practices for online course design.
  2. Student Support Services:
    • Role in academic success and retention.
    • Types of support services and their effectiveness.
  3. Teaching Methods:
    • Comparison of traditional vs. innovative teaching approaches.
    • Impact on student learning and satisfaction.
  4. Academic Advising:
    • Effectiveness of different advising models.
    • Impact on student decision-making and success.
  5. Diversity and Inclusion:
    • Promoting diversity and inclusion on campus.
    • Impact on student experience and outcomes.
  6. Undergraduate Research:
    • Benefits and challenges of research opportunities for undergraduates.
    • Strategies for increasing research involvement.
  7. Work-Study Balance:
    • Managing academic and work responsibilities.
    • Impact on student performance and well-being.
  8. Student Loans:
    • Impact on student choices and financial well-being.
    • Strategies for managing student loan debt.
  9. International Students:
    • Challenges faced by international students.
    • Support services to enhance their experience.
  10. Educational Technology:
    • Effects of new technologies on learning and teaching.
    • Integration of technology in higher education.

Special Education

  1. Inclusion:
    • Strategies for integrating students with disabilities.
    • Benefits and challenges of inclusive education.
  2. Assistive Technology:
    • Effectiveness of technology for students with learning disabilities.
    • Types of assistive devices and their uses.
  3. Parental Involvement:
    • Impact on the education of students with disabilities.
    • Strategies for increasing parental engagement.
  4. IEPs:
    • Development and effectiveness of Individualized Education Programs.
    • Best practices for creating and implementing IEPs.
  5. Behavioral Interventions:
    • Techniques for managing challenging behaviors.
    • Examples of successful interventions.
  6. Transition Planning:
    • Preparing students for life after school.
    • Development of transition plans and supports.
  7. Teacher Training:
    • Impact of professional development on special education practices.
    • Effective training programs for special education teachers.
  8. Collaborative Teaching:
    • Models and benefits of co-teaching in special education.
    • Strategies for successful collaboration.
  9. Inclusive Curriculum:
    • Designing curricula that accommodate all students.
    • Strategies for adapting materials and activities.
  10. Autism Spectrum Disorder:
    • Support strategies for students with ASD.
    • Effective teaching approaches and interventions.

Educational Leadership and Administration

  1. School Leadership:
    • Impact on school climate and student outcomes.
    • Effective leadership practices and styles.
  2. School Boards:
    • Role in educational policymaking and governance.
    • Impact on school operations and student success.
  3. School Improvement:
    • Strategies for effective school improvement initiatives.
    • Evaluation of improvement programs.
  4. Leadership Styles:
    • Influence of different leadership styles on school effectiveness.
    • Best practices for leadership development.
  5. Principal Preparation:
    • Training and development programs for principals.
    • Impact on school leadership and management.
  6. Teacher Evaluation:
    • Methods for evaluating teacher performance.
    • Impact of evaluations on teaching quality.
  7. Crisis Management:
    • Strategies for handling school emergencies.
    • Development of crisis management plans.
  8. Community Engagement:
    • Building partnerships with community stakeholders.
    • Strategies for increasing community involvement in schools.
  9. Resource Allocation:
    • Managing and distributing school resources effectively.
    • Impact on school operations and student outcomes.
  10. Policy Implementation:
    • Challenges and strategies for implementing educational policies.
    • Evaluation of policy effectiveness.

Educational Technology

  1. Artificial Intelligence:
    • Impact of AI on teaching and learning.
    • Applications of AI in education.
  2. Virtual Reality:
    • Enhancing learning experiences with VR.
    • Examples of VR applications in education.
  3. Online Tutoring:
    • Effectiveness and impact of online tutoring services.
    • Comparison with traditional tutoring methods.
  4. Educational Software:
    • Benefits and limitations of educational software.
    • Examples of effective educational software.
  5. Gamification:
    • Using games to enhance learning.
    • Impact of gamification on student engagement.
  6. Mobile Learning:
    • Effects of mobile technology on education.
    • Development of mobile learning tools.
  7. Blended Learning:
    • Combining online and face-to-face learning.
    • Benefits and challenges of blended learning models.
  8. Digital Literacy:
    • Importance of teaching tech skills.
    • Strategies for improving digital literacy.
  9. Adaptive Learning:
    • Personalizing education with adaptive technologies.
    • Examples of adaptive learning tools.
  10. Cybersecurity:
    • Protecting student data and information.
    • Strategies for enhancing cybersecurity in schools.

Curriculum and Instruction

  1. Critical Thinking:
    • Integrating critical thinking skills into lessons.
    • Techniques for fostering critical thinking.
  2. Project-Based Learning:
    • Effects on student engagement and learning.
    • Examples of successful project-based activities.
  3. Differentiated Instruction:
    • Meeting diverse learning needs with differentiated strategies.
    • Use of assessments to guide differentiation.
  4. Curriculum Design:
    • Best practices for designing effective curricula.
    • Adapting curricula to meet student needs.
  5. Formative Assessment:
    • Guiding instruction with formative assessments.
    • Techniques for using assessment data.
  6. Cross-Curricular Integration:
    • Benefits of combining subjects in teaching.
    • Examples of cross-curricular projects.
  7. Culturally Responsive Teaching:
    • Addressing diverse backgrounds in teaching.
    • Strategies for culturally responsive instruction.
  8. Inquiry-Based Learning:
    • Encouraging student exploration and questions.
    • Techniques for implementing inquiry-based learning.
  9. Standards-Based Instruction:
    • Aligning instruction with educational standards.
    • Benefits and challenges of standards-based teaching.
  10. Student Feedback:
    • Using feedback to improve teaching and learning.
    • Methods for collecting and responding to feedback.

Educational Policy

  1. Education Reform:
    • Recent reforms and their impacts on education.
    • Evaluation of reform effectiveness.
  2. Equity in Education:
    • Promoting fairness and access in education.
    • Strategies for addressing educational disparities.
  3. Teacher Accountability:
    • Effects of accountability measures on teaching.
    • Evaluation and implementation of accountability systems.
  4. School Funding:
    • Impact on quality and equity of education.
    • Analysis of funding models and their effects.
  5. Curriculum Standards:
    • Effects on teaching and learning.
    • Comparison of different standards frameworks.
  6. Charter Schools:
    • Impact and effectiveness of charter schools.
    • Comparison with traditional public schools.
  7. Student Discipline:
    • Strategies and consequences for managing behavior.
    • Impact of discipline policies on student outcomes.
  8. Educational Access:
    • Promoting access for underserved and marginalized groups.
    • Strategies for improving educational access.
  9. Teacher Certification:
    • Impact on teacher quality and student outcomes.
    • Evaluation of certification requirements and processes.
  10. Policy Implementation:
    • Challenges and strategies for implementing educational policies.
    • Evaluation of policy impacts.

Learning and Cognitive Science

  1. Learning Theories:
    • Applying theories like constructivism and behaviorism.
    • Impact on teaching practices.
  2. Cognitive Development:
    • Stages of cognitive development and their implications.
    • Strategies for supporting development at each stage.
  3. Memory and Retention:
    • Techniques for improving memory and retention.
    • Role of repetition and practice.
  4. Motivation and Learning:
    • How motivation affects learning outcomes.
    • Strategies for enhancing student motivation.
  5. Metacognition:
    • Teaching self-awareness and self-regulation in learning.
    • Techniques for developing metacognitive skills.
  6. Learning Styles:
    • Impact of learning styles on educational outcomes.
    • Effective strategies for catering to different styles.
  7. Problem-Solving Skills:
    • Developing critical problem-solving skills.
    • Techniques and activities to enhance problem-solving.
  8. Attention and Focus:
    • Strategies for improving attention and focus in the classroom.
    • Techniques for managing distractions.
  9. Self-Regulated Learning:
    • Encouraging goal-setting and self-monitoring.
    • Techniques for developing self-regulation skills.
  10. Cognitive Load Theory:
    • Designing instruction to manage cognitive load.
    • Strategies for reducing extraneous load and enhancing learning.

Educational Sociology

  1. Social Factors:
    • Impact of socioeconomic status on educational outcomes.
    • Strategies for addressing social inequalities.
  2. Peer Relationships:
    • Effects of peer interactions on learning and development.
    • Strategies for fostering positive peer relationships.
  3. Cultural Diversity:
    • Impact of cultural diversity on classroom dynamics.
    • Strategies for managing and embracing diversity.
  4. Gender and Education:
    • Gender differences in educational achievement.
    • Strategies for promoting gender equity.
  5. Family Structure:
    • Effects of family structure on student performance.
    • Support strategies for different family contexts.
  6. Social Capital:
    • Role of social networks and resources in educational success.
    • Strategies for building and leveraging social capital.
  7. Educational Attainment:
    • Relationship between social class and educational attainment.
    • Strategies for addressing disparities.
  8. School Segregation:
    • Effects of segregation on educational equity.
    • Strategies for promoting integration.
  9. Educational Aspirations:
    • Influence of social factors on student aspirations.
    • Strategies for supporting students’ educational goals.
  10. Bullying and Social Conflict:
    • Addressing bullying and social conflict in schools.
    • Strategies for creating a safe and supportive environment.

Teacher Professional Development

  1. Professional Development Programs:
    • Effectiveness of different programs in improving teaching.
    • Examples of successful professional development initiatives.
  2. Mentoring and Coaching:
    • Role of mentoring and coaching in teacher growth.
    • Best practices for effective mentoring.
  3. Continued Education:
    • Impact of ongoing education on teacher performance.
    • Opportunities for continued professional development.
  4. Collaborative Learning:
    • Benefits of collaborative learning among teachers.
    • Examples of successful collaborative initiatives.
  5. Technology Training:
    • Impact of technology training on teaching effectiveness.
    • Examples of effective tech training programs.
  6. Teacher Reflection:
    • Role of self-reflection in professional growth.
    • Techniques for effective reflection and improvement.
  7. Leadership Development:
    • Preparing teachers for leadership roles.
    • Examples of leadership development programs.
  8. Professional Learning Communities:
    • Role and benefits of professional learning communities.
    • Strategies for effective community participation.
  9. Subject-Specific Training:
    • Training programs focused on specific subject areas.
    • Impact on teaching practices and student outcomes.
  10. Evaluation and Feedback:
    • Enhancing development through evaluation and feedback.
    • Best practices for providing and receiving feedback.
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How Google Scholar can aid in finding relevant research

Google Scholar is a key tool for finding educational literature. Here’s how it helps:

  • Wide Search: Find articles, books, theses, and more.
  • Citation Tracking: See who cited a paper to keep up with new research.
  • Easy Access: Links to library resources and free versions when available.
  • Alerts: Get updates on new research in your area of interest.
  • Citation Management: Works with citation tools to organize your research.

Use Google Scholar to quickly find and access credible research.

Understanding Google Scholar

Let’s understand Google Scholar:-

Basics of Using Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a great tool for finding academic research. Here’s a quick guide to get started:

  • Access: Go to Google Scholar.
  • Search: Type in keywords related to your topic.
  • Results: See a list of articles, books, and other scholarly materials.
  • Citations: Each result shows details like author, title, and publication.
  • Full Text: Not all articles are fully available, but Google Scholar often links to free versions or your library.

Advanced Search Techniques

For more specific results, try these:

  • Boolean Operators: Use AND, OR, NOT to refine searches.
  • Quotation Marks: Search exact phrases by using quotes.
  • Author Search: Find articles by a specific author.
  • Publication Search: Limit to certain journals or publications.
  • Date Range: Filter results by publication date.

Finding Relevant Articles

To find the best articles:

  • Choose Keywords: Use precise and relevant terms.
  • Check Citations: Look at frequently cited works.
  • Assess Impact: Consider how many times an article has been cited.
  • Refine Search: Adjust terms and filters as needed.

By using these tips, you can effectively find valuable research on Google Scholar.

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What is Google Scholar?

Google Scholar is a free search engine that indexes scholarly literature across various formats and fields. It helps researchers find relevant articles, theses, books, abstracts, court opinions, and more.

Purpose of Google Scholar

  • Broad Search: Covers many disciplines and sources.
  • Free Access: Provides a large amount of academic information at no cost.
  • Efficiency: Centralizes scholarly searches for easier research.
  • Citation Analysis: Identifies influential works and their impact.

How Google Scholar Stands Out

  • Coverage: Includes books, theses, and court opinions, not just journal articles.
  • Free Access: Available without a subscription.
  • User-Friendly: Simple interface for easy searching.
  • Citation Info: Shows citation details to track influential works.

Note: While Google Scholar is valuable, it might not be as detailed as specialized databases for specific fields.

Key Features of Google Scholar

Key Features of Google Scholar

  • Broad Search: Finds articles, books, theses, and more.
  • Citation Info: Shows how often an article is cited.
  • Related Research: Suggests similar studies.
  • Full Text Links: Provides access to full articles or library links.
  • Citation Export: Exports citations in various formats.
  • Alerts: Notifies you about new research on specific topics.
  • My Library: Saves articles for later.

These features help you find and manage scholarly information efficiently.

Finding Research Topics on Google Scholar

Using Google Scholar to Find Research Topics

Keyword Tips

  • Be Specific: Use exact terms related to your interest.
  • Combine Keywords: Use AND, OR, NOT to refine searches.
  • Synonyms: Try different terms to expand results.

Explore Articles

  • Cited By: Check who has cited key papers for recent research.
  • Related Articles: Find similar studies through this feature.

Identify Research Gaps

  • Contradictions: Look for inconsistencies or unanswered questions.
  • Understudied Areas: Find emerging or less explored topics.

Consider Practical Applications

  • Real-World Problems: Focus on topics with real-world relevance.
  • Policy Impact: Explore areas that could influence policy decisions.

Stay Updated

  • Follow Experts: Track leading researchers.
  • Attend Conferences: Learn about the latest developments.

Use these strategies to discover promising research topics and advance your field.

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Tips for Choosing a Research Topic on Google Scholar

Choosing the Right Research Topic

Identify Your Interests

  • Passion: Pick a topic you enjoy.
  • Expertise: Use your existing knowledge.
  • Curiosity: Choose what interests you.

Conduct a Literature Review

  • Gaps: Find areas with limited research.
  • Trends: Check recent developments.
  • Frameworks: Understand key theories.

Define Your Question

  • Clarity: Be clear about what you want to study.
  • Relevance: Ensure it’s important and useful.
  • Feasibility: Check if it’s manageable.

Consider Practical Impact

  • Impact: Think about its effect on the field or society.
  • Policy: See if it can influence policy.

Seek Guidance

  • Mentorship: Ask for advice from experts.
  • Collaboration: Work with others.
  • Ethics: Follow ethical standards.

These steps help you choose a meaningful and manageable research topic.

Tips for Using Google Scholar Effectively

Maximizing Google Scholar: Tips for Effective Searches

Keyword Optimization

  • Be Specific: Use exact terms for your topic.
  • Combine Keywords: Use AND, OR, NOT to refine searches.
  • Synonyms: Try alternative terms to expand results.

Advanced Search Features

  • Citation Searching: Use “cited by” to find related research.
  • Date Restrictions: Filter by publication date for recent studies.
  • Document Type: Specify if you need articles, books, or theses.

Evaluate Results

  • Check Citations: Look at how often an article is cited.
  • Journal Impact: Consider the journal’s reputation.
  • Read Abstracts: Ensure the article matches your interests.

Organize Findings

  • Create a Library: Save useful articles.
  • Use Citation Managers: Organize references easily.

Stay Updated

  • Set Alerts: Get notifications for new research.
  • Follow Experts: Track key researchers in your field.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Common Google Scholar Challenges and Solutions


  • Too Many Results: Overload of information.
  • Irrelevant Results: Results may not match your topic.
  • Access Issues: Some articles are behind paywalls.
  • Citation Quality: Hard to judge source credibility.


Refine Search Terms: Use specific keywords and Boolean operators.

  • Use Filters: Narrow results by date, publication, etc.
  • Explore Related Articles: Check “Cited by” and “Related Articles.”
  • Check Library Access: See if your library provides full-text access.
  • Evaluate Sources: Look at authors, publication, and citations.

By addressing these issues, you can improve your Google Scholar searches and find relevant research more easily.

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Case Studies of Successful Research Topics on Google Scholar

Examples of Noteworthy Research Topics


  • Technology’s impact on learning outcomes
  • Teacher burnout and job satisfaction
  • Long-term effects of early childhood education
  • Inclusive education practices


  • Social media’s effects on mental health
  • Cognitive biases in decision-making
  • Personality traits and job performance
  • Effectiveness of psychotherapy for specific disorders


  • Consumer behavior and marketing strategies
  • Corporate social responsibility and financial performance
  • Leadership styles and organizational effectiveness
  • Impact of globalization on businesses

How do I find research topics on Google Scholar?

Using Google Scholar to Find Research Topics

Broad Keyword Search

  • Start with general terms.
  • Example: “education research,” “teaching methods.”

Explore Related Articles

  • Use “Cited by” to find related works.
  • Use “Related Articles” to discover similar research.

Identify Research Gaps

  • Look for gaps or unanswered questions.
  • Find areas that need more study.

Analyze Trends

  • Spot emerging trends in recent publications.
  • Check frequently cited articles and authors.

Consider Practical Implications

  • Choose topics with real-world impact.
  • Assess how your research could affect the field or society.

Consult Academic Journals

  • Explore top journals for inspiration.

Seek Expert Advice

  • Talk to professors or researchers for guidance.
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Google Scholar research topics in education qualitative

Google Scholar Research Topics in Education: Qualitative Focus

Teacher Development

  • Novice teachers’ experiences with testing.
  • Mentoring programs’ effect on teacher retention.
  • Views on professional development.
  • Teacher identity and its influence.

Student Well-being

  • Bullying’s impact on mental health.
  • Perceptions of inclusive education.
  • Experiences of first-generation college students.
  • Role of extracurricular activities.

Educational Leadership

  • School culture’s effect on achievement.
  • Principals’ roles in teacher leadership.
  • Leaders’ experiences with change.
  • District policies and school climate.

Curriculum and Pedagogy

  • Views on project-based learning.
  • Critical thinking in problem-solving.
  • Technology’s role in learning.
  • Experiences with inquiry-based learning.

Special Education

  • Disabilities in inclusive classrooms.
  • Attitudes towards students with disabilities.
  • Parents’ role in special needs education.
  • Early intervention and developmental delays.

These topics are suited for qualitative research like interviews and case studies.

Google Scholar research topics in education quantitative

Quantitative Research Topics in Education

Student Achievement

  • How class size affects student performance.
  • Link between homework and student grades.
  • Effectiveness of teaching methods on test scores.
  • Impact of socioeconomic status on academic performance.

Educational Technology

  • Online learning’s effect on student outcomes.
  • Impact of educational software on engagement.
  • Correlation between computer use and academic success.

Teacher Effectiveness

  • How teacher experience influences student achievement.
  • Effect of teacher qualifications on student results.
  • Evaluation methods and their impact on teacher effectiveness.

School Climate

  • Link between school climate and student behavior.
  • Effectiveness of bullying prevention programs.
  • School size and its impact on student achievement.

Special Education

  • Effectiveness of early intervention for disabilities.
  • Impact of inclusive education on student performance.
  • Relationship between teacher training and outcomes in special education.


Google Scholar offers a vast collection of scholarly articles. It’s perfect for exploring research topics, finding gaps, and gaining insights.

Use it to study everything from early childhood development to higher education trends. A quick search can help you make better decisions and improve teaching.

Start using Google Scholar to boost your research today!

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